At the AALA National AGM on 30 November 2021, National Returning Officer Nai Yan Yeap declared the following candidates for the AALA National Executive Committee elected:
National President: Molina Asthana
National Vice-President: Matt Floro
National Secretary: Position Vacant
National Treasurer: Ivonne Muryadi
National Executive Committee Ordinary Members (5 positions available):
Alyssandria Lim
Johnny Duc-Huy Nguyen
Stephanie Tan
William Zhou
Position Vacant
Accordingly, there is one casual vacancy for the position of National Secretary and one casual vacancy for the position of National Executive Committee Ordinary Member. These positions will be appointed by the National Executive Committee in due course.
If you hold a current AALA membership and are interested in expressing your interest in the National Secretary and/or the National Executive Committee Ordinary Member position, please complete the Expression of Interest Form and e-mail it to by midnight AWST (Perth time) Friday 10 December 2021.
Joining the above office bearers on the National Executive Committee are the following AALA Branch Presidents and Secretaries elected at Annual Branch Meetings in November:
ACT Branch
President: Eveline Kuang
Secretary: Dominique Yap
NSW Branch
President: Marija Gurlica
Secretary: Position Vacant (please register for the SBM to nominate).
NT Branch
President: Lyma Nguyen
Secretary: Jacinta Mu
QLD Branch
President: Dominic Nguyen
Secretary: Vernon Ting
SA Branch
President: Jessica Teoh
Secretary: Position Vacant (please contact if you are interested in nominating)
TAS Branch
President: Tiffany Tang
Secretary: Justin Heng
VIC Branch
President: Kelvin Ng
Secretary: Jenny Si
WA Branch
President: Belinda Wong
Secretary: Julie Moore
AALA congratulates all newly elected office bearers on our National Executive Committee and State and Territory Branch Committees.
