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Media Release: Establishment of NT Branch of AALA


27 October 2021


The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) is delighted to announce that a Northern Territory Branch has been established, marking AALA as being a truly national organisation, with State and Territory Branches across Australia.

The AALA was established in 2013 with the goal of promoting cultural diversity in the legal profession through a range of advocacy, mentoring, networking and education initiatives.

The newly appointed inaugural committee for the NT Branch has been described by the National AALA President, Mr Kingsley Liu as “…an amazing and dynamic Committee comprising senior and junior lawyers representing both public and private, as well as community and corporate sectors.”

Inaugural President of the NT Branch, Ms Lyma Nguyen, stated, “Australia’s Asian heritage is an enormous asset to this nation – and cultural diversity in leadership needs to be a priority if we are to ensure multi-dimensional perspectives in positions of influence – particularly in the legal profession where that influence has most impact.” (Ms Nguyen is a Darwin based barrister who was awarded the overall winner of the 40 under 40 Most Influential Asian-Australian Leadership Awards for 2020.)

New members from the legal fraternity in the Northern Territory and supporters of AALA’s vision, alike, including students and academics are most welcome to join us at AALA, or to come along and contribute to our local and national talks, seminars and functions, the details of which will be published from time to time.

A copy of this Media Release can be found below.

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The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) offers our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the true and traditional owners and custodians of the lands we gather on to live, work and learn.


AALA acknowledges the past and continuing trauma caused by mistreatment and displacement. AALA celebrates and shares in the respect for elders, land and community and continues to advocate for intersectional diversity and the empowerment of all first nations peoples worldwide.

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