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NSW Cultural Diversity Survey open now!

To understand how to navigate an issue, we must first identify what the issue is.

More often than not, the discussions around “cultural diversity”, “career progression”, “diversity and inclusion” and “workplace bias” are tricky, and because these discussions are tricky, we tend to have superficial approaches when it comes to discussing solutions. A key reason that the conversations are tricky is because we actually do not quite know what the issues are. Quantitative data and qualitative stories that provide perspective to that data ensure that the NSW legal profession transforms the uncomfortable discussion so that we have clarity and improved insight. It is because we want to better understand our profession, it is because we want to improve our profession for our solicitors now and emerging, it is because we want a profession that better reflects the communities it serves, that the NSW Branch is committed to this Cultural Diversity Report 2022.

The Data and Policy Subcommittee of the NSW Branch (Subcommittee) is working together with the Women Lawyers' Association to deliver a special joint Report identifying barriers to career progression faced by culturally diverse solicitors.

Chair of the Subcommittee, Lee-May Saw and Secretary of the Subcommittee, Michael Tangonan have been working closely with Subcommittee Members including the NSW Patron, Katrina Rathie to develop a simple project that will directly identify barriers faced by culturally diverse solicitors. The Subcommittee also acknowledges the assistance of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Law Society of NSW.

The Report findings will be based on two sets of data:


An online Survey hosted by AALA opened to all NSW solicitors. This Survey will collect quantitative data and will ask participants to share any qualitative experiences they may have. The Survey is completely anonymous and confidential. THE SURVEY IS OPEN NOW! The Survey will be open for the complete months of March and April, and the AALA goal is to receive 5000 responses.


Following the close of the Survey, in late May 2022, 4 - 7 PQE solicitors who identify as culturally diverse will be invited to participate in a Focus Group. The Focus Group will be hosted by a neutral facilitator and the discussion will be guided on the results of the Survey while also providing participants with the opportunity to share their stories and opinions about barriers they have faced to their own career progression. If you are interested in participating in the Focus Group, email us at

All data is confidential and will be collected by AALA. We are proud of this project and are grateful for the assistance of the Women Lawyers' Association of NSW as supporting organisation, and King & Wood Mallesons as Focus Group sponsors. To fix an issue, we must first understand what the issue is. This is the objective of the NSW Cultural Diversity 2022 Report.

The Report and an event to mark the publication of the Report will be hosted at a date to be confirmed in late 2022.

We ask that all firms in NSW circulate the Survey to their practitioners to complete and that all practitioners consider participating in the Focus Group. We are in this together.

Participate in the Survey by clicking here.

Volunteer to participate in the Focus Group by emailing us at:

Please do not use this email to ask questions or provide comments about the survey. Survey data is collected on an anonymous basis.

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The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) offers our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the true and traditional owners and custodians of the lands we gather on to live, work and learn.


AALA acknowledges the past and continuing trauma caused by mistreatment and displacement. AALA celebrates and shares in the respect for elders, land and community and continues to advocate for intersectional diversity and the empowerment of all first nations peoples worldwide.

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