AALA is the peak body for Asian Australian lawyers and lawyers with an interest in Asia regardless of background.
We are a national, not-for-profit, volunteer-run organisation with Branches in all States and Territories. In 2021, we ran almost 60 events across the country, reaching over 1,000 members from all parts of our profession.
But we can only run our events and initiatives through the amazing generosity of our volunteers (including all our Executive Committee and Branch Committee members).
To successfully run our packed schedule of events and initiatives for 2022, we need your support.
Please consider applying for one of the ten available 2022 national volunteer positions today (see position descriptions below).
Applicants can be from any background but must be current or prospective members of AALA - please become a member if you are not one already.
All applications for volunteer positions close at 6pm AWST Sunday, 20 March 2022. Apply now!
We will be interviewing on a rolling basis so please apply as soon as possible. We look forward to receiving your application!
AALA National Events Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Finance Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Marketing Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Media and Policy Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Membership Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Operations Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Partnerships Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Secretariat Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Student Engagement Officer (Volunteer)
AALA National Summit Deputy Convenor (Volunteer)